While I love reading great blogs, I am very low-tech and so I feel quite out of my element in attempting to try my hand at this. Nonetheless, here I am in the 21st century and I have entered the blogesphere.
Our family has just entered the birthday marathon with the #1 Granddaughter having her 5th birthday. Her uncle is next, then her dad, and on from there, many more birthdays. The gift of life. What an honor to acknowledge these milestones in our lives. What a blessing to have so many lives connected with each other in these days of disconnectivity.
As my own birthday approaches I am feeling a sort of introspection. How many birthdays do we have in this life? What do we do with our days? Are we really making the most of the time that has been given to us? As a homeschooling mom I feel an overwhelming responsibility for the lives of my children in all areas- academics, spirituality, friendships, health, their future, etc. There is always a lot of second guessing in this life I have chosen but I plod on and do what I can with each day. Thankfully, God has been most merciful and has given us really outstanding kids to raise. They overcome our own weaknesses and they all shine out brightly in this world. I am so thankful for who they are and who they are becoming. So this birthday will bring me much to be thankful for. My life is so very full and I am blessed with family, precious friends, a comfortable home with all of our needs met, and most of all a dear husband who provides so well for us and who loves us with all of his heart. What a rich a complex life we have. Thanks be to God!